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Thibaut d'Antonay |
El retrato elegante |
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Resarch 1 |
Research 2 |
The ‘Front page (s)’
Magazines from Belle Epoque time used several times a portrait of the artist to illustrate their front page height recent books, as well, also honor the artist
La grande duchesse de Mecklembourg together with the artist on the front page of the Revue Illustrée on Feb. 1st, 1900
Mrs. Rémy Salvator on the front page of Figaro Illustré in 1902
Study fro Mrs Rémy Salvator on the front page of Les Modes in 1903
Jean Lorrain on the front page of La Revue Théâtrale in May 1904
Mrs. Gabriele d’Annunzio on the front page of Femina on April 15th, 1907
Mrs. Nagelmackers on the front page of Le Gaulois du Dimanche on April 15th, 1908
Mrs. Anchorena de Uriburu on the front page of La Vie Heureuse on April 15th, 1910
Madeleine Dolley on the front page of Figaro Illustré in June 1911
Mrs. Larreta on the front page of Le Gaulois du Dimanche on July 7th, 1912
Elegant woman on the front page of Femina on April 15th, 1913
Don Quixote on the front page of L’Instantané on May 17th, 1913
Ida Rubinstein on the front page of Comoedia Illustré on June 20th, 1913
Jane Renouard on the front page of Vie Heureuse on November 5th, 1913
Marthe Chenal on the front page of Comoedia Illustré on November 5th, 1913
Elegant woman on the front page of the German magazine Elegant Welt in 1913
Winaretta Singer Polignac on the front page of the Sylvia Kahan book in 2003 (Detail)
Mrs. Anchorena de Iruburu on the front page of Alberto Dodero in 2007
Miss Clara Ward on back page of the Bayeux auction house in April 2011
Mrs. Rémy Salvator and René Préjelan on the front and back pages of the Xavier Mathieu book in 2011
Miss. L. on the front page of the Herman Bang book in January 2013
Gabriel Yturri on the front page of Rubén Gallo book in 2014
La Plume bleue on the front page of Jean Dara novel in 2016
La petite fille en jaune on the front page of Jean Dara novel (English version) in 2016
Marie d’Annunzio on the front page of Giulietta Vittoria Fantuz biography (Italian version) in 2017
Jeune garçon assis on the front page of Jean Dara novel in 2018
Countesse de Noailles on the front page of the catolog published for the exhibition held in Versailles at Lambinet museum 2018/2019