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The website (hereafter "the Site") is the property of the Association Les Amis d' Antonio de La Gandara registered under French law.

Editorial director: Xavier Mathieu

The Site is based on documents collected over the last 20 years by the artist's descendants, and gathered in a Word database containing, at the end of 2015, more than 7 million bytes. The database is regularly enriched by new discoveries, thus allowing updates of the Site.

The Site was launched at the beginning of 2005 and was, in its current form, considerably improved for more fluidity and better accessibility. Approximately 150 works are shown, among 712 recorded to this day.

Any attempt to transfer information to other websites, without permission from the Editorial director, or to modify the information contained in the Site is prohibited and may result in a civil lawsuit or prosecution.

Neither the Association Les Amis d'Antonio de La Gandara nor the Editorial director can be held responsible for any inconvenience resulting from the use of external links, directly or indirectly, proposed by the Site.

Neither the Association Les Amis d' Antonio de La Gandara nor the Editorial director guarantee or accept any commitment or responsibility regarding third-party websites and their contents.

Neither the Association Les Amis d' Antonio de La Gandara nor the Editorial director are in a position to guarantee that the host welcoming the Site is exempt from viruses or that the attached files downloaded on this website or any related third party sites are free of viruses or functioning errors. Viruses can be transmitted via the Internet, and we strongly recommend to users to take the necessary measures to protect their computer against any intrusion or against any technical problem which could damage components of their computer or the data stored therein. In no case, will the Association be held responsible for any damage occurring as a result of a connection and during a visit to the Site.

Data and information contained on the Site benefit from legal protection in accordance with relevant copyright and intellectual property rights regulations. The total or partial reproduction of the documents uploaded on the Site is authorized for the exclusive purpose of personal use, both associative and private; unless approval is obtained from the Editorial director, any reproduction or use of copies for other purposes is forbidden and may constitute a misdemeanour punished by articles L.335-2 and following of the French code of intellectual property.